ALL THAT ZAZZ By Mary N. DiZazzo |
"Healing Power from Natural, Organic Ingredients Promote Skin's Elasticity" Ciao bella, Kosmea’s certified organic products can restore your skin unbelievably! I have been using this line personally for almost ten years. My friends, clients and peers who use Kosmea have all been looking younger, better! The cornerstone of Kosmea’s line is the Rose Hip Oil. The Rose Hips are grown high in the Malta Mountains of Lesotho, Africa. Growing wild from harmful insecticides and fertilizers, the rose hips are certified organic from the U.S.D.A. The rainfall there is high, 11,000 feet above sea level, the air is clean and pure. Resulting in quality ingredients for Kosmea’s line. The skin care range contains only the very best nature has to offer. “Skincare as nature intended” About a few of the products: SKIN CLINIC RESCUE BALM: a natural soothing multi-purpose ointment for lips, feet and heels, spots and scrapes, scars, sensitive infant skin, elbows, nails and cuticles, stretch marks, after hair removal, dry and damaged hair and unruly eyebrows. SKIN CLINIC CERTIFIED ORGANIC ROSE HIP OIL: a super-light, easily absorbed treatment oil used to smooth wrinkles, even out skin tone, reduce scars, moisturize and sooth dry skin, nourish and hydrate aging skin, balance oily skin and reduce the appearance of blemishes. EIGHTH NATURAL WONDER REVITALISING FACIAL SERUM: contains hibiscus extract, organic Rose Hip Oil and pea extract. This is nature's alternative to Botox! This anti-aging facial serum instantly “lifts” dull and tired skin and is also used in the chest area to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. To be used daily as an anti-aging protection. See it for yourself! For more info and to purchase Kosmea go to my web site: www.mary4nails.com. Feel good, look better!